Monday 4 June 2012

Day 1 down!

So - today was day one of round 2.  How did I go?

Well, my multitude of alarms (see below) worked - I was up, dressed, had a quick coffee and gathered up my exercise print-out before heading off to the gym.  I hadn't been to the gym for a few weeks, and rarely manage to get there at 5:30am, but it was nice to get things out of the way early. I did every step of the workout, which I was really proud of (especially since I'm doing the Intermediate program this round - which was a bit of a surprise!).

Although, tragically, my HRM died during my treadmill segment.  It wasn't reading at all, but it was fine when I was on the bike/cross-trainer.  So it would have underestimated my calories... I think it's the battery, since I've had this battery for awhile, but it's the excuse I've wanted to check out buying a nicer coloured one so I may have a browse through the Polar website.

Still, even with it not counting some of the time, that's a good effort!
I made my pre-planned breakfast, but sadly forgot my packed lunch so had to buy food.  I cooked my dinner even though I was on call, so all in all managed to stay under my calories.  Unfortunately, I was called back in to work (so another 4 1/2 hours on top of already working a 10 hour day - ugh), so I've only just gotten home at midnight.  Looks like 5am tomorrow might be a bit ambitious - but since I was in so late, I don't have to be in at work until a bit later, so I'm still planning on fitting my workout in.  I need to do it in the morning since I still haven't written my research grant application, and apparently we're having friends over for dinner tomorrow...

First toning workout tomorrow - weights/toning have always been my Achilles heel, so this should be interesting!  

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