Monday 28 May 2012

Fitness Test - and a mini-achievement!

I went to see Florence and the Machine on the weekend - which was an amazing concert, and well worth braving the freezing cold!  I spent ages thinking about what I should wear, then settled on something a bit different for me - for the first time ever, I wore a t-shirt dress and leggings!

I have never been brave enough to wear leggings, I've always thought I looked too big and it was more suited to those with a waif-like figure.  But this time I thought "stuff it" and gave it a go.

T-shirt dress and leggings - also my first ever Sportsgirl purchases!
Today it was time to do my fitness test.  This was a bit of an obstacle for me last round - I was a bit silly and chose to do my 1km time trial at an athletics oval that involved some organisation to get to.  It meant that when it came time to repeat my fitness test, I couldn't be bothered going back - so I didn't do the tests.  I feel like that was a big part of why I didn't do as well as I could have - not having those results as motivation to keep going.

I've been a bit naughty the last few weeks, and haven't been to the gym.  It took a lot of self-talk to get myself there today to do my fitness test.  I wore my favourite gym clothes as a bit of a reward for getting off my bum, and I dragged myself in. 

My favourite gym clothes - they're the only ones I have from Lululemon, and they feel so nice - I've promised myself that when I reach my goal I can buy a new workout wardrobe from there.
I told myself that because I've committed to doing Couch to 5K this round, there's no time like the present - so said that after finishing my fitness test I was going to do week 1, day 1.  So, armed with my trusty iPod and my HRM, I smashed out my first session for round 2!

Not a bad effort!
So now I'm off to make kanga bangas with sweet potato mash from the Crunchtime Cookbook, to top off a pretty good day.  


  1. I did the same thing with the fitness test last year when I did 12WBT. I went to an oval, 10min drive away...and then couldn't be bothered to go back for the other tests. This time I loaded MapMyRun on my iPhone, walked out the door and jogged until it registered 1km. A lot easier, and something I can continue throughout the round.

  2. That's a great idea! I thought long and hard about whether I would map an outdoor run - but I live in a hilly area, and that was enough of a reason for me to think "hmm... it would be more FAIR if I did it on even surface... " I might try MapMyRun next round though!
