Wednesday 23 May 2012

Time management...

This round I want to focus on time management.  The next task is the organise and diarise, and given that organisation was a bit of a downfall last round, a head start wouldn't go astray.

Why am I having so much trouble fitting in exercise and cooking all the meals?

This is why!
Studying for this exam has already become a tedious and painful undertaking - and I've barely covered anything!  I am dreading another 18 months of this...

So - time management.  I've come to the realisation that if I want to a) exercise, b) work my job and c) study for this exam, then there is only one solution.  I am going to have to become an early morning exerciser.
This is pretty much how I feel about it
Last round I went really gung-ho from the beginning of preseason - and then I burned out.  This round I've been making some gradual changes to try and trick myself into sticking with it.  I've been slowly dropping my daily calories and this week am aiming for the recommended 1200/day.  Next week I will be waking up earlier to start introducing my exercise, and I'll be moving my study to the evenings.

As much as I would like to be doing this...
... I guess I should do some of this...
Giving up on sleep is the biggest sacrifice for me... every morning I crave that extra hour, I'm struggling to wake up in time for work as it is.  Getting a gym session in before work is going to be a challenge.

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