Tuesday 5 November 2013

Back for another round!

I'm back!  I have signed up for another round of 12WBT, and I'm feeling pretty good.

A lot of things have happened since I last posted (to be honest, I had actually forgotten I even had this blog - whoops!).  So I figured I should attempt a summary post... here goes...

1.  September 2012 - I did a rural relief term in the outback - being the only doctor for hundreds of kilometres was an eye opening and challenging experience - I really pushed my limits, and I'm proud that I went; but I was very relieved to fly home!  This is a Royal Flying Doctor Service plane that came to retrieve a patient, and my friend and I are posing like dorks with it (I'm on the left).

2. October 2012 - I married my best friend, and it was the most amazing day of my life

3. October 2012 - I learned how to snorkel while on honeymoon at the Galapagos Islands

4.  October/November 2012 - I hiked the Inca Trail with my husband on our honeymoon in South America - this is me faking being thrilled at reaching the summit of the Dead Woman's Pass.  I had altitude sickness, and immediately after this photo was taken I was back to sitting on the ground panting and feeling generally miserable - but also very proud of what I'd achieved.

5.  After four days on the trail, altitude sickness, a ruptured ligament in my knee (oops) and the most disgusting toilets I've ever seen - we made it to Machu Picchu.  And it was worth every step of the hike, that view was breathtaking.

6. I started training in Intensive Care, and sadly the combination of shift work and study lead to some weight regain...

... which was not helped by a trip to the USA.  A very fun trip, but there was some indulgence.

I recently celebrated my first wedding anniversary.  

While it was a beautiful weekend away and I had a lovely time - it was a bit of a wake up call.  I realised that I'd regained most of the weight that I'd lost for my wedding, and that this was a slippery slope.

So now I've signed up for another round of 12WBT.  I'm hoping to re-establish a fitness and healthy eating routine (as much as is possible with a shift work roster!) to get back on track and re-lose the weight.  I never made it to my goal last time, though did get very close - so now I'm refocusing my mindset.  

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