Wednesday 27 November 2013

This?  Oh, I fell off one of these.  Oops.

Travelling for education was a bad move in terms of diet / exercise, since I've really struggled to get back on board since I left.

I'm actually quite frustrated with myself - I can't seem to focus.  I know I should be getting some decent study done, and that I'd be in a better mindset if I was getting regular exercise.  And I know that healthy nutritious home-cooked food is delicious.  But I'm struggling with the step from knowing these facts to actually acting on them.

I've made a study plan.  It covers the next 10 months of misery Hell my life, and seems at least reasonably possible.  Everything will fall apart if I don't cover the material in time though, because there is no room to catch up.

But I've also made a Lululemon wishlist.  I'm considering the idea that perhaps some new gym clothes will motivate me to actually go to said gym.  It is a sad fact about me that this incentive is not totally ridiculous - there is a decent chance it might work.

My current "want" list.  I'm enamoured with the colour scheme at the moment.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Minor setback - overcome!

I woke up this morning in agony.  My left shoulder was spasming and I could barely turn my head or lift my arm.

I could blame Body Jam last night.  I could blame myself for not stretching properly.  I could blame our awful bed with the cheap mattress and pillows (leftover from student days) that we've finally replaced but the replacement hasn't arrived yet.

But that doesn't achieve anything.  So I dragged myself out to get a last-minute remedial massage - after which I could turn my head slightly.  Win for me!  Bought a heatpack, found the Voltaren gel, and settled in for a miserable day of studying and shoulder pain.

Luckily it had alleviated somewhat by the evening, though still very tight and uncomfortable.  I skipped Body Pump in favour of doing the 12WBT gym machines workout, since I figured if anything hurt I could always skip that part (but the shame of walking out of a Pump class... awkwaaaaard).

But in a small bonus - while walking out from buying my heatpack, I stumbled across a Tupperware stall.  I braved a Tupperware party once, it was weird, but I did order a coffee thermos that stole my heart.  And then it was promptly stolen as well, and I was devatasted.

Not anymore!  I even bought two, just to make sure if one disappeared, I wouldn't be left heartbroken again.  Take that thermos thief!

Sunday 10 November 2013

First day of round 4!

Round 4 of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT kicks off today, and I'm pulling out some last minute motivation.  I sadly cannot find a tape measure in my house anywhere (except for one that is only 30cm long - somehow I don't think that will fit around my waist...), so will be delaying my measurements until I can be bothered venturing to Coles.

But I have attempted cooking and thus far seems to have been moderately successful!

French toast with bananas, mixed berries and maple syrup - thank you Instagram for the filters that make my amateur plating look slightly more respectable!

I have also been emboldened by the imminent prospect of summer days and warmer weather to try something different with my hair - I have finally grown it to a decent length, so with much trepidation I asked my wonderful colourist to attempt balyage.

For anyone who doesn't know - this is what balyage looks like on a famous person

I love my colourist to pieces, and if anyone ever suggests I see a different stylist I immediately re-book my appointment to be seen by her.  It took me a long time to find a hairstylist I like this much, and I always cringe when she talks about going on a holiday.  If she ever leaves, I have no idea what I'll do.

Anyway, long story short - she did an amazing job and I'm thrilled.  Unfortunately my photography skills are quite limited so these pics don't really do her work justice... (but they did take before-and-after photos in the salon, so I may "borrow" them).

Unfortunately, great hair doesn't make up for being tired - this is my life for the next 10 months (exactly today - eek!), and it is exactly as exciting as it looks.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Back for another round!

I'm back!  I have signed up for another round of 12WBT, and I'm feeling pretty good.

A lot of things have happened since I last posted (to be honest, I had actually forgotten I even had this blog - whoops!).  So I figured I should attempt a summary post... here goes...

1.  September 2012 - I did a rural relief term in the outback - being the only doctor for hundreds of kilometres was an eye opening and challenging experience - I really pushed my limits, and I'm proud that I went; but I was very relieved to fly home!  This is a Royal Flying Doctor Service plane that came to retrieve a patient, and my friend and I are posing like dorks with it (I'm on the left).

2. October 2012 - I married my best friend, and it was the most amazing day of my life

3. October 2012 - I learned how to snorkel while on honeymoon at the Galapagos Islands

4.  October/November 2012 - I hiked the Inca Trail with my husband on our honeymoon in South America - this is me faking being thrilled at reaching the summit of the Dead Woman's Pass.  I had altitude sickness, and immediately after this photo was taken I was back to sitting on the ground panting and feeling generally miserable - but also very proud of what I'd achieved.

5.  After four days on the trail, altitude sickness, a ruptured ligament in my knee (oops) and the most disgusting toilets I've ever seen - we made it to Machu Picchu.  And it was worth every step of the hike, that view was breathtaking.

6. I started training in Intensive Care, and sadly the combination of shift work and study lead to some weight regain...

... which was not helped by a trip to the USA.  A very fun trip, but there was some indulgence.

I recently celebrated my first wedding anniversary.  

While it was a beautiful weekend away and I had a lovely time - it was a bit of a wake up call.  I realised that I'd regained most of the weight that I'd lost for my wedding, and that this was a slippery slope.

So now I've signed up for another round of 12WBT.  I'm hoping to re-establish a fitness and healthy eating routine (as much as is possible with a shift work roster!) to get back on track and re-lose the weight.  I never made it to my goal last time, though did get very close - so now I'm refocusing my mindset.